Bem Vindo

A idéia de melhorar o mundo surgiu em Abril/1995 com inicio de atividades da Acustic System com inscrição de CCM Nº 2.347.946-9, desde então empenhada no desenvolvimento de projetos dinâmicos, e firmando parcerias com várias empresas do ramo automação, telefonia, rede lógica, Segurança, informática e comandos elétricos.

Atualmente envolvido na globalização do planeta, estivemos desenvolvendo produtos para uma melhor utilização dos recursos naturais, ao contratar nossa empresa tenha a certeza de que está contribuindo para uma melhor qualidade de vida.

Pesquisas realizadas confirmam que um ambiente inteligente consome 15% menos energia, seja na sua empresa, escritório ou residência.

Realizando grandes projetos ou desenvolvendo pequenas instalações Acustic System tem a melhor equipe com engenheiros gabaritados e experientes para cada caso.

Com uma equipe técnica que constantemente passa por cursos de atualização e conhecimento no lançamento de novos produtos, podendo assim indicar a melhor solução para o seu projeto.

Cel. (11) 96628-0600

Este blog é dedicado ao amigo Disney.

sábado, 31 de maio de 2008

Bowers & Wilkins Music Club

Society of Sound Presenta Music Club

Dear Eraldo,

We're thrilled to announce that we've formed a partnership with Peter Gabriel and Real World Studios to create Music Club where you can receive a great and exclusive album every month, specially recorded and downloadable in a 'lossless' file format to provide actual CD-quality sound.

Each Music Club album is recorded in Real World's state-of-the-art studios and can be played on an iPod or burnt to CD so you can enjoy the fabulous sound quality on a full hi-fi system.

If it's hard to pigeon-hole the artists you'll hear through our Music Club, that's entirely deliberate. Our albums span many different genres and styles, some well-known, some undiscovered. The only common factor is quality. This is a chance to hear truly brilliant, original music by outstanding musicians working at the peak of their powers.

Free Trial Offer
Music Club Image

This Month's Album: Little Axe
Martyn Ware Image

We are offering a limited free trial to this unique Club which will give you full access to the subscribers area and the opportunity to download an 'EP' version of each album for three months from the date you sign-up. That's three EP's for free in total.

Click here now to join the free trial offer.

Bought for a Dollar, Sold for a Dime is the new album from exemplary blues artist Little Axe. The B&W Music Club has provided a unique opportunity to bring together the original Little Axe/ Tackhead line up with Keith Le Blanc and Doug Wimbish travelling from the USA for the session.

Click here to listen to the Little Axe Podcast and Video, or to preview the album.

Only available until 19 June 2008

'A lot of what we hear on iPods and so on is super-compressed and people have got used to this. For those of us who have really worked hard to get things to sound good and full and rich and build landscapes out of sound, it's very frustrating, so I'm very happy that these Music Club releases are going to be without compression and of superb quality.' - Peter Gabriel

Click here to watch the full interview with Peter Gabriel

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