Bem Vindo

A idéia de melhorar o mundo surgiu em Abril/1995 com inicio de atividades da Acustic System com inscrição de CCM Nº 2.347.946-9, desde então empenhada no desenvolvimento de projetos dinâmicos, e firmando parcerias com várias empresas do ramo automação, telefonia, rede lógica, Segurança, informática e comandos elétricos.

Atualmente envolvido na globalização do planeta, estivemos desenvolvendo produtos para uma melhor utilização dos recursos naturais, ao contratar nossa empresa tenha a certeza de que está contribuindo para uma melhor qualidade de vida.

Pesquisas realizadas confirmam que um ambiente inteligente consome 15% menos energia, seja na sua empresa, escritório ou residência.

Realizando grandes projetos ou desenvolvendo pequenas instalações Acustic System tem a melhor equipe com engenheiros gabaritados e experientes para cada caso.

Com uma equipe técnica que constantemente passa por cursos de atualização e conhecimento no lançamento de novos produtos, podendo assim indicar a melhor solução para o seu projeto.

Cel. (11) 96628-0600

Este blog é dedicado ao amigo Disney.

sábado, 15 de março de 2008

Email B&W

B&W Newsletter
February 2008

Dear Eraldo,

We’re feeling a little star-struck at Bowers & Wilkins this month, having rolled out the red carpet for not one but two VIPs. Maureen Jenson, ace reporter from US magazine Home Theater, recently dropped in to take a peek at our facilities in Worthing and Steyning. And a touch of Hollywood glamour has come to the Society of Sound in the form of our latest fellow James Newton Howard, musical genius and prolific composer of blockbuster film scores.

Hollywood comes to the Society of Sound

We’re delighted to announce that acclaimed film composer James Newton Howard has joined us as the latest fellow of the Society of Sound. James has lived his whole life in music, starting classical piano lessons at the age of four and playing with the likes of Neil Diamond and Elton John before embarking on a career in film. From Pretty Woman and The Sixth Sense to King Kong and the forthcoming Batman sequel The Dark Night, he has put music to some of Hollywood's biggest films. You can find out more about his remarkable life and career, as well as his unique approach to composing, at the Society of Sound.

Visit the Society of Sound

Home Theater magazine takes readers behind the scenes at B&W

We’re avid readers of the US magazine Home Theater at Bowers & Wilkins, so when we were recently contacted by Home Theater journalist Maureen Jenson we were happy to offer her a tour of our factory in Worthing and an exclusive glimpse of our world-famous R&D lab in Steyning. After getting a unique insight into how speakers like Nautilus are constructed and finished at the factory, the editor visited the lab at Steyning to speak to some of our top engineers and hear some of our speakers in action. Ms. Jenson wrote about the experience in an article published by Home Theater this month.

Read the article here | Find a Dealer | Contact Us

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